From the moment I walked in to meet with Dr. Yazdan, I was greeted by his receptionist with absolute professionalism. Dr. Yazdan came out to greet me with a handshake and the consultation began. He stated by having me get any and every questions I had out the way. He was straight forward with me about the difficulties of this procedure being African American, but let me know that he had performed this procedure numerous times with great results. He didn’t just say it, he had pictures and videos to prove it. The consultation went well over an hour and i never once felt rushed. I really have to say he made it really easy for me to decide. On the day of the surgery, before I was taken into the surgery room, I met with Dr. Yazdan again to go over our plan once more. That to me spoke volumes of the level of professionalism I would see throughout the day. He also took before photos so we could compare during the future post op visits. When I was taken back into the surgery room, I was introduced to the staff that would be assisting. They were all very nice and treated me like family. Overall my experience was pleasant and the nervousness I walked in with was gone quickly. Dr. Yazdan and his staff truly made me feel like I made the right decision.
M.R.Lord Commander
My FUE Hair Transplant Looks Phenomenal! Dr. Yazdan was always very professional and courteous. He is very knowledgeable and took the time to explain everything to me and answered all my questions. My interaction with him always put me at ease about the process.
A.R.Lord Commander
My overall experience with the procedure was outstanding. I opted for a few small procedures at first (300-400 grafts) and then a few bigger ones (1200 grafts). I really didn’t “need” the most recent one. I was kind of getting greedy because the results are so good. Nobody can tell that I have had the procedure. It’s very natural. Sometimes people comment that I look good or wonder if I’ve lost weight. Occasionally, they will ask if I’ve been using a new hair product. Those are only people who have known me a long time and see me infrequently. As for the results, yes, I got the expected results and then some. I am often mistaken for being in my late 20’s. (I’m 37 next month). It takes about 8 or 9 months for new hair to start to show (after your surgery). After a year, it will be all grown out. You will look in the mirror and notice a difference one day and realize it worked. As for the overall time it takes, I could have stopped at the second procedure (total 900 grafts), because my original goal was to not look (balding). I was still thin in a few areas and wanted to go for it, so I had the big ones done as well. If you want to accelerate it, you could always do big procedures close together. I’m just more likely to take baby steps. I’m obviously a big fan of Dr. Yazdan’s work. I wouldn’t let anyone else work on me. I’m lucky I found him!
Frederick JLos Angeles, CA
Dr. Yazdan is an exceptional doctor! It is obvious that he truly cares about his patients. He is not only kind but also extremely knowledgeable. Going through my hair transplant surgery was a very serious decision, and Dr. Yazdan made me feel at ease by answering all my questions and has done an absolutely fantastic job.
JRoshLord Commander
I’ve been balding since I was 19, now 50, so I know how to maintain. My younger brother who looks like my twin is a Norwood 7, donor is thin too, told him a HT is not an option. He never used anything to maintain, didn’t believe in it. Been slicking my hair back lately so people at work have been calling me Pat Riley, getting many compliments on how much I’ve grown. This past Friday 5 guys inspected my scalp in my office because someone mentioned that I went to Modena Hair Institute. They finally concluded it’s way too natural to be a transplant. They are convinced it must be the propecia and minoxidil foam, good work!!! Only my wife knows my little secret. The team is very professional and outstanding to work with. Thanks guys!
Armin KLos Angeles, CA
My recovery is going exceptionally well. I am following the recovery instructions to the T. By the end of day 5, 70% of my scabs fell off. By the end of day 6, 95% of scabs are off. I have not had any shedding and the transplanted hairs yet, and actually they have doubled or tripled in length since surgery. I really didn’t expect that. My hairline looks very natural and you cannot tell the hairs were transplanted. I am still waiting for my scabs to fall off in the donor area and the remaining hair to grow to add coverage. Another 4-5 days and you won’t be able to notice anything was done. I look a few years younger already. Please thank Dr. Yazdan. You and your staff were awesome. If I need to come back for more work, I will not hesitate to do it again.
Kevin FLas Vegas, NV
Can’t wait to see you guys this coming Saturday for my follow up. My hair is coming in really well. So far, as I expected, I am very pleased. I am constantly looking in the mirror, and in doing so, find myself in awe of the work you guys performed. I love you guys! The Doctors and staff are top notch! I had a wedding reception to go to this past weekend and one guy made the comment, ” Yeah, some guys go bald, some guys go gray . . . looks like you don’t have to worry about either.” I can’t begin to tell you how good that made me feel. I had my hair cut before the reception and my barber said my transplant was incredible. He wanted to know where my scar was! He couldn’t find one. He said that he would like some business cards to handout to clients. More business for you = more business for him! I know I still have a lot more growth to come so I’m totally stoked to see the end result. Thank you guys for doing such a good job and I look forward to my future procedure (hopefully, my last).
Sam EIrvine, CA
Thank you once again for the absolutely incredible job that you and your ENTIRE staff did yesterday during my procedure. It amazes me that you are able to take a meticulous, manually intensive process, turn it into an art-form and then systemize it to the point of near perfect consistency. The fact that your staff this year was EXACTLY the same as your staff last year speaks volumes to the type of business that you run and the pride that your team takes in it’s work. Everyone in the room yesterday demonstrated impeccable professionalism, unwavering respect, and kindness. There are countless horror stories available on the internet and in everyday life which painfully demonstrate the devastating effect that a poorly performed hair transplant can have on a person. At the very least your work is boosting someone’s confidence and self-esteem and perhaps allowing someone to hold on to their youth a little while longer. At most, your work is saving someone’s life who was disfigured at the hands of an unethical doctor who didn’t think that a hair transplant was “all that big of a deal”. What you guys do is incredible. You tell a person what they need and not what they want. You properly set a patient’s expectations upfront. You demand the very best from your talented staff. And you treat your patients as people, not as customers. Thank you again for everything.
Ming LNewport Beach, CA
Very Happy with Eyebrow Hair Restoration Surgery – Irvine, CA – Dr. Yazdan was very knowledgeable, honest, took the time to answer all my questions and make me feel comfortable. He did an amazing job on my surgery with great results, very natural looking. The clinic was very clean. The staff was great, very professional. Highly recommend Dr Yazdan!
AHLord Commander